Is Your Internet Slow? Try This Speed Test NOW!

Feeling like your internet is crawling at a snail's pace lately? We've all been there. You try to stream your favorite show and it takes forever to buffer. You hop on a video call and the image is pixelated. It's beyond frustrating! But how can you really tell if your internet speed is slow or if it's just in your head? Don't worry, we've got your back. 

To begin, click the large Start button. The tool will connect to the nearest test server and transfer data back and forth at maximum speed for a few seconds. It will then measure and calculate your internet transfer speeds.

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Why Your Internet May Be Slow?

There are a few common reasons why your internet connection may be crawling.

Outdated Equipment

If you're still using the router and modem that came with your internet plan five years ago, it's probably time for an upgrade. Technology changes fast, and newer models are much more capable of handling the demands of streaming, gaming, and a house full of connected devices.

Too Many Connected Devices

Speaking of which, the more gadgets you have connected to your network, the more congested it gets. Between laptops, tablets, phones, gaming consoles, smart TVs, and smart home devices, the average household has over 10 connected devices. Make sure your router can handle the load

Distance From the Router

The further away your devices are from the router, the slower the connectivity. Wi-Fi signals can degrade over distance, so for the fastest speeds, make sure your frequently used gadgets are in the same room as the router. You may need a Wi-Fi range extender to boost the signal to more remote areas of your home.

Heavy Bandwidth Usage

If you have multiple people streaming 4K video, downloading huge files, and playing online games at once, your network is going to choke. There's only so much bandwidth to go around, so try scheduling some of these high-bandwidth activities for off-peak hours when possible. Upgrading to a faster internet plan may also help in homes with many heavy internet users.

With regular speed tests, you can pinpoint issues and make tweaks to get your connection running fast again. And if there are still problems after trying the usual fixes, it may be time to call your internet service provider for help.